8 Timeless Skills to Learn Now in Under 8 Hours to Change your Life Forever

1. Learning to Learn

Learning new skills increases your motivation, makes you more adaptable, relatable, interesting and helps you get better jobs and earn more money.
And today,learning anything new isn’t as hard as it used to be. Start by understanding how your brain truly works. 
2. Writing

Like any skill, you learn by doing. And make a commitment to write publicly.
You learn better when people can actually see your work. It forces you to do your very best. It gives you accountability. You get feedback from others and improved based on it.
3. Public Speaking

Nothing builds confidence more than doing a successful public speech.So seek opportunities to speak in front of groups.
 • Start with people you’re comfortable with (friends and family).
 • Talk about subjects you’re passionate about.
 • Be aware of people's reactions and interest levels and adapt accordingly. You'll get better in time.
4. Meditating

Start with guided meditations. They teachyou that it’s okay to have thoughts and guide you through clarity of mind.
Commit to it. Don’t try once and leave.The more hours of practice you put it, the easier it gets. You'll have more clarity on your emotions, body, and mind, and you'll make better decisions.
5. Forming Good Habits

First, learn how habits form and how they work, to better control what habits you set up and get rid of habits that are detrimental to you.
The best way to keepyour habits in check is to be accountable for your good or bad habits. Find one or multiple people that you report to on a regular basis.
6. Negotiating

By practicing this skill:
 • You'll improve your confidence.
 • You'll be able to negotiate a better salary and benefits and even work on more interesting projects.
 • If you are trying to find a job, you’ll know better what they are looking for and adapt to your interviewer.
 • In your romantic life, you’ll handle conflicts better, and likely have fewer of them too.
7. Mathematical Thinking

It helps you to think more logically (it will increase your analytical and reasoning skills) and make better-informed decisions. And you'll be more productive simply by knowing how to better analyze your time.
Practice sample problems, without the pressure you probably felt in school, and with the awareness of the real-life benefits of doing it.

8. Coordination and Flexibility

Having coordination and flexibility is one of the most important parts of living a healthy life.
And without being healthy, it’s hard to even think about developing any other skill.
Thank you


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