8 Ways to stop Overthink everything.

1.  Overthinkers

Chronic overthinkers rehash conversations they had yesterday, second-guess every decision they make and imagine disastrous outcomes all day every day.

Thinking too much prevents them from getting anything done. And it wreaks havoc on their mood.
2. Destructive thought patterns

Overthinking often involves two destructive thought patterns--ruminating and incessant worrying.

 • Ruminating involves dwelling on the past.
 "I should have stayed at my last job. I would be happier than I am now.""My parents didn't teach me how to be confident. My insecurities have always held me back."

 • Persistent worrying involves negative predictions about the future.
"I'm going to embarrass myself tomorrow when I give that presentation. I know I'm going to forget everything I'm supposed to say."

3. Notice when you're stuck in your head

Overthinking can become such a habit that you don't even recognize when you're doing it. Practice paying attention.

When you're overthinking past or future events, acknowledge that your thoughts aren't productive. Thinking is only helpful when it leads to positive action.
4. Keep the focus on problem-solving

 • If the problem is something you have some control over, consider how you can prevent the problem or challenge yourself to identify five potential solutions.

 • If it's something you have no control over--like a natural disaster--think about the strategies you can use to cope with it. Focus on the things you can control, like your attitude and effort.
5. Challenge your thoughts

Remember that your emotions will interfere with your ability to look at situations objectively.

Take a step back and look at the evidence. What evidence do you have that your thought is true? What evidence do you have that your thought isn't true?
6. Schedule time for reflection

Incorporate 20 minutes of "thinking time" into your daily schedule. During that time period let yourself worry, ruminate, or mull over whatever you want.When your time is up, move onto something else.

When you start overthinking things outside of your scheduled thinking time, simply remind yourself that you'll need to wait until your "thinking time" to address those issues in your mind.
7. Learn mindfulness skills

It's impossible to rehash yesterday or worry about tomorrow when you're living in the present. 
Mindfulness will help you become more aware of the here and now.
8. Change the channel

Telling yourself to stop thinking about something will backfire.

Change the channel in your brain by changing your activity. Exercise, engage in conversation on a completely different subject, or work on a project that distracts you.

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