
8 Timeless Skills to Learn Now in Under 8 Hours to Change your Life Forever

1. Learning to Learn Learning new skills increases your motivation, makes you more adaptable, relatable, interesting and helps you get better jobs and earn more money. And today,learning anything new isn’t as hard as it used to be. Start by understanding how your brain truly works.  2. Writing Like any skill, you learn by doing. And make a commitment to write publicly. You learn better when people can actually see your work. It forces you to do your very best. It gives you accountability. You get feedback from others and improved based on it. 3. Public Speaking Nothing builds confidence more than doing a successful public speech. So seek opportunities to speak in front of groups.  • Start with people you’re comfortable with (friends and family).  • Talk about subjects you’re passionate about.  • Be aware of people's reactions and interest levels and adapt accordingly. You'll get better in time. 4. Meditating Start with guided meditations. Th

8 Ways to stop Overthink everything.

1.   Overthinkers Chronic overthinkers rehash conversations they had yesterday, second-guess every decision they make and imagine disastrous outcomes all day every day. Thinking too much prevents them from getting anything done. And it wreaks havoc on their mood. 2. Destructive   thought patterns Overthinking often involves two destructive thought patterns--ruminating and incessant worrying.  • Ruminating involves dwelling on the past.   "I should have stayed at my last job. I would be happier than I am now.""My parents didn't teach me how to be confident. My insecurities have always held me back."  • Persistent worrying involves negative predictions about the future. "I'm going to embarrass myself tomorrow when I give that presentation. I know I'm going to forget everything I'm supposed to say." 3. Notice when you're stuck in your head Overthinking can become such a hab

The Six Biggest Time Wasters

The six biggest Time Wasters 1. Watching T.V 2. Procrastination 3. Saying yes 4. Perfectionism 5. Multitasking 6. Worrying Watching television means inactivity, A recent research study conducted at the Harvard School , of Public Health indicates that watching too much television , can significantly increase the risk of developing obesity and type 2 diabetes.procrastination is more than a bad habit; it's a sign of a serious underlying health issue. Also, research suggests that procrastination can be a cause of serious stress and illness.Perfectionism is a bad habit. It's not something you're born with that you can't change. Somewhere along the road, you got into a rut where you put things off waiting for perfect conditions, or you worked on things too long in the quest for a perfect quality that will never come. Multitasking reduces your efficiency and performance because your brain can only focus on one thing at a